Organization registration number: 01-02-0016760
Name: Organisation of International Protocol Professionals
Country of headquarters: Hungary
Headquarters and mailing address: 1037 Budapest, Solymárvölgyi út 182.
Type of organization: Association
Status: Registered
Form of association: civil association
Classification by purpose: educational activity
Description according to purpose:
Restoring the professional prestige of the protocol industry.
Intermediate and advanced training of future and practicing professionals working in the field of protocol.
Continuous expending their knowledge by the events hosted by OIPP.
Establishment of an international level knowledge center through cooperation and exchange of experience with international professional organizations.
National tax number: 18978638-1-41
Community tax number: HU18978638
Community tax number status: Registered
Statistical number: 18978638-8559-529-01
Status of statistical number: Registered
Bank account number: 10700392 – 70691616 – 51100005
Yearly membership fees:
For full members: 10,000 HUF
For supporting members: 15,000 HUF
Bank account number: CIB BANK 10700392 – 70691616 – 51100005