
Dr. HOSSÓ Nikoletta Ph.D

Founding President

Doctor of Sports and Health Sciences, Dissertation in the field of Diplomacy and Protocol, University of Pécs 
  • Associate Professor, Kodolányi János University
University degrees:
  •  Protocol and International Relations Analyst (BA, MA), Kodolányi János University, Hungary
  • Translator in Economic and Social Science (BA) Kodolányi János University, Hungary
  •  International Protocol Expert (BA), University of Granada, Spain
Current occupations:
  • Sports /Diplomacy and Sport / Protocol Expert – freelance
  • Teacher, Hungarian Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Chief of Protocol, 4iG Group
  • Owner and Managing Director, European Protocol Center Ltd.
  • Founding Member, World Protocol Organization (Organización Mundial de Protocolo)
  • Founding Owner, World Protocol Magazine


Having travelled to over 70 countries by the age of 26 she has a unique and determining work experience in multinational environment. Nikoletta has been involved in various fields of international relations for altogether nearly 3 decades now – during which she has gained 20 years of experience in Protocol and Diplomacy working for State-, Governmental, Diplomatic, Sport and Corporate Leaders at high- level events such as state visits, diplomatic ceremonies, scientific conferences, religious and political events, signing ceremonies and also the most prominent European and World Championships as Chief of Protocol – her last assignment was the Athletics World Championships 2023 where besides her protocol duties at the event she was the responsible programme organiser and Permanent Escort for HSH Albert II Prince of Monaco (similarly to 2008 and 2019).

Using her vast knowledge, she has been teaching Protocol, Event Management and Communication for nearly two decades at universities both in English and Hungarian and works as Hon. University Associate Professor.
She has been working as Protocol Teacher at the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy – training current ministry personnel, diplomatic personnel and appointed diplomats before starting their missions worldwide.
She is also the Founder and Course Leader of the only 1-year postgraduate university degree programme, thanks to which more than 100 students are in possession of protocol degrees Nikoletta created in 2017.
As Trainer of the Hungarian Tourism Academy, for over 2 years she has been holding workshops for professionals in Tourism, Catering and Event Planning Industries.


Apart from teaching, she had also untilized her complex experience in writing: she is a highly recognised author of many academic articles and 6 books which are compulsory literature at higher education.
She wrote the first and only contemporary books on Sport Protocol, on Papal Visits Protocol and on Protocol Interpretation.

Her handbook titled “Protocol in Diplomacy and International Relations” comprises all 5 main fields of Protocol.
Her “International Relations English-Hungarian Glossary” is the only dictionary in this kind listing 13 thousand expressions and terms used in Protocol and IR.

List of her books:


Social roles, missions:

She is a lead example of pro bono work contributing for the development of the Protocol industry. She is the Founding President of Hungary’s leading professional community, the Organisation of International Protocol Professionals.
As for her pro bono mission in International Protocol and Diplomacy she is
– a Founding Member of World Protocol Organisation (OMP), a community of experts, diplomats and professors from over 50 countries;
– Founder and Project Manager of the world’s first and only Protocol and Diplomacy Traveling Exhibition in Hungary,
– she is the Founder, Head Organiser and Jury Member of last year’s first National Protocol Dessert Competition named after István Széchenyi – a gastrodiplomatic initiative that selected the country’s first Plate Dessert and bonbons – hand-made delicacies made of national value ingredients intended to be offered at high level catering events and as a gift for Foreign Guests
– Founder and CEO of World Protocol Magazine, a free global platform serving professionals to share their unique experiences, but
– first and foremost she is the initiator of 11 May World Protocol Day,
– and the brainchild and co-organiser of World Protocol Matters Conference 2022, 2023 and 2024 – showcasing the best fellow-protocol experts and
diplomats (from the White House, Buckingham Palace, Pentagon, UN, UNITAR, NATO, Olympic Games, Sydney School of Protocol, California International Protocol Institute etc.) she invited to this globally recognised series of conference in order to unify the protocol industry for the UN acknowledgement of its professionals.