2020.augusztus 31.
Nincs megállás nemzetközi szinten sem!
Augusztus közepén az OICP (Organización Internacional de Ceremonial de Protocolo / Nemzetközi Ceremónia és Protokoll Szövetség) argentin nemzeti protokoll szervezete hazánk képviseletében Hossó Nikoletta OICP tagot kérte fel, hogy a több mint 30 ország részvételével, elismert nemzetközi szakemberekkel tervezett – a pandémiára tekintettel – digitális konferencián tartson előadást.
A megtisztelő felkérést elfogadva az október 1-3. között megrendezésre kerülő konferencián az alábbi címmel – saját idézetével – tart előadást:
„While trust is the 21st century’s most valuable currency, protocol is its ATM machine.„
Speaker’s introduction:
Nikoletta Hossó is the Founding President of Association of International Protocol Professionals, the highly-acknowledged civil society of over hundred professional members in Hungary.
She is the initiator and Project Leader of the first travelling “Exhibition of Protocol and Diplomacy” – an internationally unprecedented way of displaying all fields of protocol showcasing a collection never-to-be-seen before.
As doctoral student in Sport Diplomacy and Honorary University Professor she also founded two university degree programmes in 2017 („Protocol and International Relations Professional” and “Sportprotocol and International Sport Event Professional”) – as Course Leader of these post-graduate programmes they are now available at three universities in Budapest. Over 50 graduated student are in the possession of a degree she had created.
Having written many articles plus 4 books and an English – Hungarian Dictionary – on Sport-, State, International Protocol and Papal Diplomacy, where the next book is to be published in Autumn 2020 she has been teaching protocol at universities and performing trainings in the private sector for over a decade. Regularly appears on TV and Radio channels sharing her views on protocol.
This year she was nominated as one of Hungary’s Successful Personalities therefore her full CV is displayed in the annual encyclopaedia by BHP (British Publishing House).
As OICP member she was a Speaker in Valladolid and in Santo Domingo.
Having travelled to 70 countries through her work, she has a great understanding of the interconnected world. After returning in the early 2000’s, she obtained 4 university degrees, then worked as protocol professional at the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for years.
Beside her positions at the government, since 2007 she also has been the Chief of Protocol of all outstanding sport events in Hungary – worked at over 15 European- and World Championships where she was also appointed Permanent Escort of visiting dignitaries, high-profile sport leaders – e.g. His Serene Highness, Prince of Monaco, Albert II. last year, or Mr. Thomas Bach, IOC President in 2018 to name a few.
In 2016 she founded her own company and as Managing Director she has been working as free-lance Protocol and International Relations Professional prestigious scientific and political events whilst holding lectures across the country.