The organisers of WPM 2022 / 2023 once again convene the best protocol and diplomacy experts all around the world for a gap-filling professional online event called the World Protocol Matters 2024 to be held on 10-11 May, 2024.

Dr. Nikoletta Hossó, the brainchild of the conference series and the initiator of 11 May, World Protocol Day, together with ICPD Director, the Honorable Patricia Kenneth-Divine and LaDonna L. Myers, CEO of Myers LLL are hosting a global event to highlight and explain the essential role of protocol in international relations and the urging need of acknowledging the members of the global protocol industry by calling for unity in order to declare 11 May as World Protocol Day.

Tickets (free of charge again):

Our goal: to achieve a global understanding and cooperation across the field, thus establishing 11 May as “World Protocol Day”.

Our mission: to highlight the expertise and strategic value of the protocol and diplomacy as the “perfect union,” with an eye toward influencing university level fields of study for its continued growth and development.

Our vision: to amass an extensive network of protocol stakeholders with shared interests to present research, generate ideas, and serve as an intellectual resource on soft-power and soft-diplomacy tenets to support the community at large.

Our motivation: to instil a global civility mindset and reiterate the value of protocol as part of an organization’s cultural framework and method for achieving business objectives.

This year, our Organisation – OIPP – supports the event financially as Sponsor, thanks to the National Cooperation Foundation (NEA) fund.


Founding President of the Organisation of International Protocol Professionals (NPRSZ)